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Phonics at Forres

Phonics at Forres

At Forres we recognise the importance of early reading and the impact it has on children's learning development and confidence. Children learn the English alphabetic code: first they learn one way to read the 40+ sounds and blend these sounds into words, then learn to read the same sounds with alternative graphemes. This systematic approach to phonics ensures that all children feel successful and learn to read at a good pace.


Structure and groupings

Phonics takes place 5 times a week 9am-9.40am. Phonics groupings take place from Reception to Year 2 giving children the opportunity to be best places in a group that matches their reading ability. Mid phase admissions and any further children with gaps in their phonics knowledge across years 3-4 are also placed into ability groups. Those children in year 3-4 who did not pass their phonics screening and need phonics support are also placed into these groups.


All groups follow a specific structure of: 

Revisit and Review - Teach - Practise - Apply - Follow up and Assessment


All children in groups will be matched a rhino readers book to take home weekly that is matched to their reading ability. We believe this gives children the chance to practise the sounds they have been taught.  

Additional phonics teaching and structured closing the gaps sessions take place in all year groups. 

 Adults for phonics teaching were selected and then provided with training with a focus of working with a small group of children weekly. These children will be identified based on assessments and we will identify the lowest 20% in the year group and support these children to keep up.


Training and support for staff

In order to successfully embed Twinkl Phonics, all of KS1 staff have had phonics training. New staff will attend this training.

Staff have yearly virtual refreshers for their training and stay up to date with changes.

A regularly coaching and training session takes place from our phonics lead.



Half termly assessments are conducted. These assessments ensure children have the opportunity to move through the programme at pace and can continuously be challenged with new sounds, words and reading books.

The assessment also gives a clear indication of which children need further support and where gaps in sound knowledge are apparent. A pace for reading is monitored through a timed read to assess fluency and accuracy as children move through the phonics programme. Once a child is reading fluently and with expression they will leave the phonics programme and start guided reading sessions. Alongside the Twinkl phonics assessments as a school we assess the children in year 1 and 2 (retakes) as part of the DFE phonics screening paper. Children will complete a past screening paper 3 times before sitting the Phonics Screening Test in June. This gives us a clear insight into children's ability to segment and blend clearly especially when reading alien words. All of our assessments are collated and shared with the relevant teaching staff to ensure there is a clear focus and recap on particular sounds. This data is then shared further with SLT where current actions and next steps are discussed.


Parental Support

We have a phonics parent meeting at the beginning of each year, where we introduce Twinkl phonics and share the sequence of learning and expectations. Modelling sounds plays a huge role in showing parents and carer that using sounds instead of letter names supports children’s reading and spellings.

We also hold reading workshops with parents where we share the importance of phonics and how it supports children to read.


Phonics around school

Throughout the day it is a valuable time to use phonics flashcards to constantly repeat and refresh children's memory with sounds. Phonics displays in classrooms and in corridors constantly reinforce Twinkl phonics showcasing flashcards, tricky word stars and speedy green words. In all lessons phonics is reinforced through sound mats to support any writing in all subjects, teachers continuous model thinking out loud showing their ability to say the sound they need, pinch them and write them down.



Children who are supported in positivity class have daily phonics lessons. Every child, where appropriate will take part in the phonics lessons structure but sessions will be focused on a sound using objects and songs, keeping the children active and engaged. Staff will assess children in the moment to find their challenge point and where needed will build additional time throughout the day to further teach and expose the children to the specific sounds

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