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Week Beginning 2nd May

This week we are continuing to revise in preparation for our SATs next week. We are completing daily times tables, artihmetic sessions and reasoning lessons. 

Some areas of focus are: 

  • Converting metric units of measure (and recalling the necessary rules). 
  • Working through multi-step problems (including a range of operations)
  • Dividing with multiple digits (for example 845 divided by 14)
  • Finding the value of expressions (for example 5x + 4= 34, what is the value of x?)


Attached below is a revision document that may be useful alongside our work in class and children's CGP books. 


Each week all KS2 pupils are expected to complete a minimum of 20 minutes on TT Rockstars.

Being able to rapidly recall times tables is fundamental to many areas of learning. 

If your child is unable to complete this, we will provide them with the opportunity to do so at Homework Club on a Friday. 

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