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Pupil Premium


Additional Funding for the School

Every year the school receives additional funding, known as Pupil Premium. This is given towards the education of identified pupils, whose families are in receipt of certain benefits, to enhance their learning experiences with the ultimate goal of raising achievement. At Forres Primary Academy we measure the impact of Pupil Premium on a termly basis. This academic year the school has received £115,400 of Pupil Premium Grant. This is based on a sum amount of £1345 per child for children recorded as Ever 6 FSM, £310 for pupil whose parents are serving in the armed forces and £2410 for children who are looked after.


Schools, Headteachers and teachers have to decide how to use the Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils within their responsibility.

Pupil Premium Budget Allocation and Analysis of Impact

If you think you are eligible for Pupil Premium you can find more information on the letter below. If you are unsure about anything regarding Pupil Premium you can contact Mr Douglas or Mrs Port (Pupil Premium Leads) via the school office.

Contact Details and Useful Links
