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Local School Committee


Welcome to the Local School Committee's section of the school website


As part of the academisation of Forres Primary School the Governing Body is now known as the Local School Committee. Its members are all unpaid volunteers who help support and guide the school to ensure children receive the very best education possible.  Members are people from different backgrounds who have considerable life experience and, in many cases, professional skills and knowledge which they can apply in a school environment to make a positive contribution to children’s education. 


The members of our Local School Committee work together as a team to support the school, and the staff within the school and comprises of parents, staff and members of the community and the local authority.   All parents are eligible to stand for election as one of our four Local School Committee members with full voting rights.  The usual term for a member is four years.


You are able to see a full list of all our Local School Committee members, their joining date, terms of office, type of governor role, attendance and other link-roles they oversee as part of their tenure, in the information below. 


The Key Roles of Local School Committee Members

As members of the Local School Committee our main role is to help raise pupils’ standards of achievement.  We do this by:


  1. Ensuring a clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school.
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school, its pupils, and the performance management of the staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school making sure its budget is well managed, and its money spent wisely and appropriately.


How often do Governors meet?

The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets twice a term to discuss business across a wide range of areas, including:  finances, premises, personnel, school improvement, safeguarding, health and safety, pupil results, and many more.  Meetings normally last for two hours during a weekday evening.  We also try to visit the school as often as is practical. This may be on parents’ evenings, school productions, assemblies, school trips, Ofsted meetings, subject link visits etc.


Governors can be assigned one or more link-roles on the governing body with key responsibilities in a specific area e.g. maths, literacy, reading, safeguarding etc.  These enable work to be distributed across the governing body and form a focus for a governor when they visit the school to discuss work and progress against any assigned targets and/or areas for improvement.  Their observations are then shared with the full governing body for further discussion and/or action at a full governing body meeting.


All governing body meeting minutes are a matter of public record, and you can ask to see a copy of any of our meetings by contacting the school office.


How to contact the governing body?

We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents – please contact the Chair of Governors, Mr Richard Ella, via the school office.   Some of the governors are often to be found in school, they are always approachable and willing to listen to any comments and suggestions you may have.  Please say hello!


Applying to become a School Governor

We welcome applications from anyone interested in becoming a school governor for any of the vacant positions on the governing body.  We are sure you will find it both a positive and worthwhile experience and a great way of contributing to your local community and improving the lives and education of children in the local community. 


You can apply by emailing   in the first instance and our Chair of Governors will be in touch.  Alternatively, please speak to a member of staff at the school office who will be able to provide you with an application form.




Key:  FGB = Full Governing Body   

         FP&P = Finance, Premises & Personnel 

         S&C= Standards & Curriculum 

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