Contact Details
- 01992467821
Forres Primary, Stanstead Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire,
EN11 0RW
Forres Primary
In Maths this week we will be looking at problem solving with fractions.
The children will be looking at improper and proper fractions and will be exploring converting them.
The children will be answering worded questions to check their understanding of the vocabulary used.
Example tasks:
There are 18 buttons in a box. Alex wants to use 2/3 of the buttons. How many buttons will he use?
If 3/8 of the class are girls, what fraction of the class are boys?
If there are 32 children in the class, how many are boys/girls?
This can be represented like this too: 1/8 x 32 = 4
What is 4/5 of 60?
4/8 + 7/8 = ____ Can you turn this into a proper fraction?
Forres Primary, Stanstead Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire,
EN11 0RW