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CLPE at Forres

At Forres Primary Academy, we use CLPE to implement our English lessons. 


What is CLPE? 

The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education is a UK based children's literacy charity working with primary schools. 

Find out more information on their website, by clicking below.


How is CLPE implemented? 

At Forres, we have carefully mapped out a range of texts from genres such as modern classics, poetry, reading for stamina, non-fiction, traditional tales and modern twists, narratives and picture books. We have ensured that each year group covers each type of text to give the children a range of authors. It also gives the children a chance to see themselves in the texts and reflect their realities. 

English Curriculum 2024-25   
 Year Group Book Author
Autumn 1    
All About Me Reception The Colour Monster Anna Llenas 
  Hello Friend Rebecca Cobb 
  Happy Birthday Maisie Lucy Cousins 
Our Local Area Year 1 (A)The Jolly Postman Janet & Allen Alhberg
 Year 1(A)Beegu Alexis Deacon 
Our Local Area: Maps Year 2 (B)Rapunzel Beth Woollvin
 Year 2 (B)The Story Tree Hugh Lupton 
Europe and North America Year 3/4 (B)The Matchbox Diary Paul Fleischman
RussiaYear 5 (A)The Miraculous Journey of Edward TulaneKate Dicamillo 
Natural Disasters Year 6 (B) Floodlands Marcus Sedgwick
Autumn 2 Reception We're Going on a Bear Hunt Michael Rosen 
Footsteps Reception Astrogirl Ken Wilson-Max 
 Reception The GruffaloJulia Donaldson 
 Year 1 (A) Halibut Jackson David Lucas 
The Royal Family Year 1 (A) Winter Sleep: A Hibernation StorySean Taylor and Alex Morss
The Gunpowder Plot Year 2 (B)Ossiri and the Bala MengroRichard O’Neill and Katherine Quarmby
Britain's Settlement - Anglo-Saxons Year 3/4 (B)Pebble in my Pocket Meredith Hooper
Civil Rights Movement Year 5 (A)Running on Empty S.E Durrant 
Ancient Greece Year 6 (B)The Adventures of OdysseusHugh Lupton and Daniel Morden
Spring 1 Reception Our very own Dog Amanda McCardie
Amazing Animals Reception Big Green CrocodileJane Newberry 
UK and the Seas Year 1 (A)The Secret of Black Rock Jo Todd Stanton
Brazil Year 2(B)The Magic Finger Roald Dahl 
Anglo Saxons Year 3/4 (B)Pugs of the Frozen North Philip Reeve
National Parks Year 5 (A)Cosmic Disco Grace Nichols
Central America and Mexico Year 6 (B)Journey to the River Sea Eva Ibbotson 
Spring 2 Reception Eco Girl Ken Wilson-Max 
Eco Warriors  Yucky Worms Vivian French 
The Great Fire of London Year 1 (A)Out and About Shirley Hughes 
 Year 1 (A)The Last WolfMini Grey
Significant Explorers Year 2(B)Poems to Perform Julia Donaldson 
 Year 2(B)Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak
UK Maps Year 3/4 (B)Charlotte's Web E.B White 
World War II Year 5 (A)Goodnight Mister Tom Michelle Magorian
Space Race Year 6 (B)Curiosity: The story of a Mars Rover Markus Motum
Summer 1 Reception Dinosaur Simon Mole 
Dinosaurs  Harry and the dinosaur Ian Whybrow 
Biomes around the World Year 1 (A)The Secret Sky Garden Linda Sarah
Continents and Oceans Year 2(B)Snail and the Whale Julia Donaldson 
  Hummingbird Nicola Davies
Europe and Scandinavia Year 3/4 (B)Danny Chung does not do MathsMaisie Chan
World War IIYear 5 (A)Rose Blanche Roberto Innocenti/Ian McEwan
 Year 5 (A)The Missing: The True story of my family in WWIIMichael Rosen
Hodd: A study Year 6 (B)Rooftoppers Katherine Rundell 
Summer 2 Reception Ruby's Worry Tom Percival
  The Gigantic TurnipAleksei Tolstoy
  No Dinner Jessica Souhami
Nurturing Nurses Year 1 (A)Nikhil and Jay Save the DayChitra Soundar
Inspirational People Year 2(B)Claude in the City Alex T Smith 
Railways Year 3/4 (B)The Boy at the back of the class Onjali Q Rauf 
Galápagos Islands Year 5 (A)Stormbreaker Anthony Horowitz
The Mayans Year 6 (B)The Viewer Gary Crew 
  Overheard in a Tower Block Joseph Coelho 

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