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Maths at Forres

White Rose Maths 'Decembar'

Decembar is all about sharing the power of the bar model and highlighting how it can dramatically improve children’s ability to solve complex problems.

Please support your child in having a go at the problems below:

How we teach maths

If we can be certain of one thing in this world, it is that there are lots of problems that need solving. Problem-solving, alongside building resilience and a growth mind-set, is at the heart of every maths lesson. We provide our pupils with the knowledge, skills and strategies that they need through models and worked examples, allowing plenty of time for questioning, checking and independent practice so that every child achieves success.


In Maths lessons, children are given opportunities to work independently, work with learning partners and in groups to develop their teamwork skills. These opportunities are also planned to develop pupils’ mathematical vocabulary and reasoning skills in order for them to make deep connections between concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of mathematical concepts, and most importantly with real life.


Fluency is a vital part of our daily lessons because without fluency (the ability to calculate number facts and multiplication facts quickly and accurately), pupils cannot be successful at solving mathematical problems.

All children have either a Numbots or Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) login and should use this to become more fluent in their number skills.

We often take part in school challenges where children have the opportunity to go against their teachers and other classes. 

White Rose Maths


At Forres Primary Academy, we use White Rose Maths. Please find below the long term plans for each year group and the White Rose calculation policy.

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

Year 4 children complete the MTC. This is 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each question, that happens in June.

This determines whether children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12.

From this, teachers are able to identify if children need support with their time tables.

If you have any questions, please email the school office and this will be passed onto Miss Gibbs, Maths lead.

Contact Details and Useful Links
